Hard Work is the Formula for Success

Multimedia – round 5

            It has been an amazing round learning and making a product Independently from what we’ve learned. I’ve learned so much from this essential class including Adobe software and Python. Because I was passionate about Abode and I wanted to learn more about it, so I decided to make a product from Adobe software. There are a lot of creative ways to express your emotions or feelings, but to me, Photoshop is one of the best creative ways to express in anytime through the editing photo. By just applying the various effects, I can get consistent results. Just like these beautiful and meaningful pictures below.

It takes time, patience to learn and succeed at something. I always learn from my mistakes. I made a lot of mistakes throughout the journey of making these two products, but I fought through it and I finally break the wall into smaller pieces. While editing the photo, I was struggling with putting the ink smudge on the face. I said, “I’ve asked Youtube for adding the light already, so this time I don’t want to ask Youtube again because I want to challenge and find it out myself”. The way I solve this problem is by trying to use every tool that is available on Photoshop. I was trying to use everything by not reading the instructions, so I didn’t find a way out until I read the instruction of each of the tools. There are ways to make a beautiful and cool picture by just searching it up on Google “How to make a cool and beautiful picture from Photoshop?”, but I found out that, it is not helpful to myself at all because I won’t be able to learn anything, I just have to copy what others did and put it into my picture and then, I finish. I don’t want that. I want a picture that is made by my own hand. I want it to come from my head, I want it to be original even if it looks crazy. A picture that comes from your own effort not copying from other people work is really meaningful to me. Even though it is just a small piece of the picture, but it showing my determination, creativity, inventiveness, expressiveness, and inspiration to my own self. I learn the value of Hard work by Working Hard.


Nothing is Impossible

Technology and Multimedia round 4

             Python is the programming language which anyone can learn about it. On the internet, it says “Python is really easy to learn for beginners”, but to me python is not easy because it is the thing that I am not good at. There is always thing that you are not good at, but nothing is possible. There are a lot of things that we learn in this round such as Dictionaries, Lists, Accessing Items, Change Item Value, Loop through a dictionary – print key name, Loop through a dictionary – print value names, print key and values, check if item exists, dictionary length, add items, remove items – pop, and remove item – delete. Since I was not a good programmer, there were a lot of trips going on, and another project (Technovation) that I really need to work on, so it is really hard for me to learn and get the idea of those lessons, but I found a way to get through this journey. It is asking questions. Asking questions in class is one of the way that help me to be a better programmer. It helps to develop the interest and to become a actively involved in class, to develop critical thinking skills, to review leaning, to better understand the concept, and to stimulate me to pursue knowledge on my own. Now, Nothing is impossible and the word itself says I am possible to be a good programmer.

Programming teaches me how to think

Multimedia – round 3

The Python programming language is of the way that we use to solve a computer problem almost as easy as writing out your thoughts about the solution. The code can be written once and run on almost any computer without needing to change the program.

Throughout this round, I’ve learned a lot about python including Booleans, Comparisons, If statement, Elif statement, Else statement, For loop, Break statement, Continue statement, Range function, and Python while loop.

  • Booleans value are the two constant objects False and True
    • For example:
      • “hello” is not “goodbye” – true
      • 5 is 5 – true
      • 1 is not 1 – false
      • “one” is “one” – true
  • Comparisons
    • Equals: a == b
    • Less than or equal to: a <= b
    • Greater than: a > b
    • Not Equals: a != b
    • Less than: a < b
    • Greater than or equal to: a >= b
  • If statement
    • An if statement is a programming conditional statement that, if proved true, performs a function or displays information.
  • Elif statement
    • The elif is a statement that allows us to check multiple expressions for TRUE and execute a block of code as soon as one of the conditions evaluates to TRUE.
  • Else statement
    • An else statement contains the block of code that executes if the conditional expression in the if statement resolves to 0 or a FALSE value.
  • For loop
    • We use For loop when we want to perform some actions a fixed number of times
    • For example:  
      • for letter in ‘Python’:   

                  print letter

    • Out come: The code will print each letter in Python
  • Break statement
    • It is a statement that we use to stop the loop even if the loop is still true.
      • For example

fruits = [“apple”, “banana”, “cherry”]

for x in fruits:


     if x == “banana”:


    • Out come: apple, banana because you tell it to stop the loop when the value of it equal to banana
  • Continue statement
    • We use the continue statement to stop one repetition of the loop and goes onto the next repetition
    • Meaning  that the continue statement is used to skip the rest of the code inside a loop for the current iteration only and continues with the next iteration of the loop.
  • Range function
    • We use the range function to generate sequences of numbers in the form of a list.
    • For example

for x in range(6):


    • Out come: the code will print the number from 1 to 5
  • Python while loop.
    • While loop performs an action until the condition is False
    • For example
    • count = 0
      while (count < 9):
           print ‘The count is:’, count
           count = count + 1

      print “Good bye!”
    • Outcome: It will perform action until is is false
    • The count is: 0
      The count is: 1
      The count is: 2
      The count is: 3
      The count is: 4
      The count is: 5
      The count is: 6
      The count is: 7
      The count is: 8
      Good bye!

These are what I’ve been learning with my teacher, Cindy 🙂

Computer Science and Multimedia-Round 2

This my second round of learning Computer science. This round we are mostly focusing on Photography basic. To take a good a picture, we might need some tips and some basic of it.

Before learning the Photography basic, I didn’t know that there are different types of camera. I just that, we take a camera to take pictures. After learning all of those, I started to realize that there are two types of camera, DSLR and Mirrorless. Inside the DSLR there is a mirror inside the camera body that reflects the light coming in through the lens up to a prism, and into the viewfinder, for you to preview your shot. Mirrorless is different, but they both are cameras. Inside the Mirrorless, light passes through the lens and right onto the image sensor, which captures a preview of the image to display on the rear screen. Those are the difference that I have learned and understand. Camera setting is one of the most important material that we must use in our camera. Those setting are Exposure, Shutter speed, Aperture, and ISO.

Exposure is the amount of light that reaches your camera sensor and determines how light or dark your photo will be. There are three things that affect exposure and they are Shutter speed, ISO and Aperture.

  • Shutter speed

Shutter speed is responsible for two particular things: Changing the brightness of your photo and creating a dramatic effect by either freezing action or blurring motion. It is the Length of time the shutter is open to allow light in. Essentially, it’s how long your camera spends taking a photo. Shutter speed is typically measured in a fraction of a second. For example, 1/4 means a quarter of a second, while 1/250 means one-two-hundred-and-fiftieth of a second (or four milliseconds). If the shutter speed is double, double the amount of light comes in and it affects how motion is captured

  • ISO

ISO is simply a camera setting that will brighten or darken a photo. The definition of it is how sensitive your camera is to light. If the number of your ISO is high, the brighter your photo will be. ISO helps you to capture images in dark place or environment, but if a photo taken in a high ISO, it will show you a lot of grain, also known as a noise, and might be usable. Note: Best to keep ISO low, only increase when Aperture and Shutter speed adjustments are not enough.

  • Aperture

The Aperture refers to the size of the opening in the lens through which the light enters the camera. F-stop is one of the main tools in Aperture. A depth of field refers to the blurring. To control the depth of field of the image, you need the aperture (F-stop). When you change the F-stop value, you change the size of the opening. The funny fact about F-stop is that, the higher the F-stop, the smaller the opening. It means that the smaller F-stop, the more light will come in, but the larger F-stop, the less amount of light will come in. The wide aperture (i.e. f/1.8) has a shallow depth of field. A narrow aperture (i.e. f/11) has a deep depth of field. This down below is an example:

After, learning all of these basic, my taking picture skill is also change. These are some pictures that I have taken after learning and I think they are great pictures.


Adobe Software

Computer Science and Multimedia-round 1 

There are five essentials total. Computer Science and Multimedia is one of those essentials. For the first week of this essential, I have learned about the Researching skills. This topic taught me to become a good researcher. The teacher has taught me a lot about the Researching Skills such as, how do we research, why do we research, what is research and the main goals of doing research. Our teacher, Cindy also teach us about the three methods of a good researcher.

These are the three methods

She has told us that before we research, we have to list down as many questions as we wondered. The questions must be related to the topic that we want to research.


This is the second method that we could use to help us.


And this is the third method. I think that this method is really helpful for the researcher.

The link below is an example of what I have done on the Research topic.


For another week, I have learned how to use the Adobe app. In the Adobe, we have focused on the InDesign, Photoshop and the Lightroom Classic. In class, our teacher has given an opportunity to those who are really good and know how to use those three things to explain the whole classmates. I really appreciate to those who were teaching and explaining to others student. They explain really well, so I understand a lot. I understand a lot about using the InDesign, Photoshop, and Lightroom. I studied the Photoshop on my own because I was on a trip while they were studying about the Lightroom. In my opinion, I think that the Photoshop and the Lightroom are really useful for people. The picture below is an example of I have done with the Indesign, Photoshop, and Lightroom.